+91 891 2509154 info{at}dhanishta.org

Welcome to Dhanishta

Dhanishta means Wealthy Wind

Our mentor couple

Master Parvathi Kumar & Mother Krishna Kumari

Overview of few service activities

A 15mintue video of few activities conducted in the year 2020-2021

Community building

Services are offered in areas of health, assistance to senior citizens, tribal welfare, women empowerment.


Educational services

Educational needs of poor and meritorious students are attended to, from elementary schools till post graduation.


Food Distribution

Dhanishta believes in distribution of food with Love, to those who are not fortunate enough to have a meal a day.



The Wisdom teachings coming from Master K Parvathi Kumar are printed on public demand.


Clothes Distribution

Dhanishta distributes clothing and also warm clothing to the poor and the needy.                                                                         


Animal Protection

Protecting cows, overseeing their care and assistance with monthly supply of hay and green grass.